For Public Health, Justice, and Safety
Our North Star
Transform911 envisions a 911 system that equitably and reliably increases access to wellbeing for those who need emergency assistance, the professionals who staff 911, and those deployed to respond. We build on the extraordinary and positive innovations in the field to address the challenges and inequities that are within our reach and control, recognizing that the change we envision cannot happen without shifts in the systems and communities that 911 serves.
Explore What's New: Resources
Evaluation of Chicago's Care Pilot
This implementation evaluation was designed to help Chicago policymakers identify and address operational challenges before implementing CARE at-scale throughout the city, and to lay the foundation for a subsequent outcome evaluation.
ECC Governance Brief
Transform911 envisions a 911 system that ensures equitable wellbeing for callers, professionals, and responders. Access the Making 911 Independent and Equal Brief to learn about the impact of 911 governance.
ECC Dashboard
This dashboard is intended to bridge the gap and help practitioners, policy researchers, and analysts better understand the current landscape of ECCs in the United States. Access the ECC Dashboard User Guide.
The Inform988 Primer
The University of Chicago Health Lab is convening a Community of Practice to examine and offer insights into the national 988 rollout, with an emphasis on how it can and does interact with the 911 system.
Blueprint For Change
The University of Chicago Health Lab has gathered experts in health care, academia, government, emergency response, and public safety—in collaboration with advocates and elected leaders via virtual round tables and working groups—to examine how to transform America’s 911 system.
Blueprint Executive Summary
Transforming 911 Research Report
Related Empirical Literature
Transform911 Resource Hub
Practitioner Corner
Transform911 Crash Course
Research Corner
Archived Initiatives Map
Help us Transform911
The Health Lab strives to improve public health, its impacts, and how it is discussed. If you identify an area of our work that you believe misses a critical perspective or employs language that needs improvement, please contact us at We welcome your feedback.